I'm a survivor

Like the rose on this photo I'm a survivor, no matter how hard my life has been I have like this rose broke every wall that became in my way, somehow I knew that it was not my destiny to be living a simple, closed life, so I broke out, I'm so proud of myself and what I have achieved in my life.
I've always had this vision about my life and how I wanted it to be, and this vision, in spite of all I have been throug kept me alive, it has never left me and I remember when things were very hard and it was olmost impossible to hold on to this vision,  I could block everything around me, and step into my own world there my vision was very alive.
Those who are going through hard times, and they feel like nothing is going the right way, don't give up and most of all don't let enything ore anyone stop you from living your life to the fullest, and you feel it's right for you, you know best, I knew best and that's way I'm were I'm, I feel that my life has a great purpose and my goal to always be the best version of myself, has done me to the person I'm today, always been able to see people like they are without judgment, always been able to say I'm sorry, admit my mistakes and try me best to learn from them.
The biggest challenge in all this has been learning not assume that all people have the same criteria or goals in life, be aver around people if they sow dishonesty or unfairness the first time, don't assume they will chance, my thought has always been that all people are good and wants the best for you as for them self, but unfortunately thats not the case, I have so many bad experience from people I thought were good honest people but they turned out to be the opposite, so be aware don't let people hurt you our take your dreams and vision away from you, and always be the best version of your self.

I told my story...

I know there are some people that have known me all me live that are very surprised over my story about me childhood I don't blame them, it was a big secret, it wasn't something I talked about, even though I knew it would help me, the shame was bigger than that.
But now I have told the secret and it is a great relief, but at the same time I have been thinking a lot about how people take it, will they judge me, will they think,  ooo thats the reason why se is like this,   that explains way se did this, To them I say, please don't, I'm how I'm because I'v been trough all this in my life, I have a incredibly great sympathy with people, wants to help everyone, I know it's because I myself have been trough all this and have had to work myself out of it, that has given me so much understanding over for others, especially children are in my heart I'm very good with children there is something with me and children that is so magnificent I just love working with them I'm able to understand each one of them, and thats my gift after all I have gone through, I'm so thankful for that and I can not think of anything other than working with children. I understand now that my need may have arisen because I wanted to be there for the children if they needed someone to listen to them, and I know that I have helped many children I have worked with.
So please do not judge those who dare to tell their story, listen give a hug and be there for them.

We got a gift......

We got a gift and this gift is the EARTH this gift is very valuable and important, so what do we do with a very valuable important gift? I think that we would do everything to protect it, we would use all the knowledge we have to protect this precious gift, and indeed I believe that this was our sincere intent, we just didn't  know better, and there was a another big problem with this gift we were not the only ones that got it, there were many millions of people that got it to, and some of them knew much less than we how they should handle the gift to keep it save, is that their fault. I don't think so, they just dit what was the norm were they came from, they can learn that's the great think about them, and then they can pas it on to the next generation,  then there are thous who do not have any interes in the gift that just think it's there because it always has been there for them to use, they will not pass anything good or positive about the gift to their next generation, thats something to think about how can we get to these people how can we open their eyes get them inspired so that they can see the beauty and the importance in the gift and to protect it, thats a huge task, then there is another group of people they are not so many as the other groups, but they are perhaps the most difficould ones, they think they got the gift so they could make a lot of money so they are in this for the profit, thats very, very dangerous for the gift, thats in fact going to destroy the gift if they keep on, they got to be stopped, and now I come to the part that kept me awake, I will not believe what Greta Thunberg 
say in a tv sow the other day, that the older generation don't care because they will be dead before all the bad things will happen for the gift, so naive can grown op people not be, I'm this generation se is preferring to, and I'm devastated over the thought that me grand children will not enjoy this beautiful gift as I have, if the profit is so important for this few people then we the majority must take action, and then I mean not just the young people we the older generation must unite with them.
And please do not forget that there are still beautiful things out there just look at the picture above the raindrops and the leaf is in perfect harmony💦
And just to avoid any misunderstanding, 

a lazy day..

Is that allowed,  to have a lazy day? you have no energy to do anything, is that were you should look inside and be worried about depression and should go to the  psychologist?
I don't think so that's absolutely OK to just lie on the couch our wandering about in the nature which is very relaxing for me, and I feel that it's healthy every now and then it's fine to  have no commitment, other then just flow with the day and enjoy it, I think it's our body telling us that now we have to stop, relax and charge the batteries.
It's taking me many ears to learn this and to listen to my body, when I'm in this mood I still heave to tell myself, it's OK to be there, I don't have to build up guilt I don't have to answer to anyone other then myself, and the funny think about these days is that afterwards I'm full of new ideas, energy and can't wait to be able to get started on the this new ideas.  
To day is on of these days and I'm struggling to enjoy it, not feeling guilt and fill me with negativity but giving my body permission to gather energy to my next project.

The summer is still here

  I have had a wonderful summer with a lot of lovely days with family and friends, there’s nothing like time with the ones you love ❤️ hope ...